Eko, Sisi, City

Here I am again,
Wrapped in your arms,
Inhaling your smell
Odour of a million fumes
Steeped in the frustrations of a thousand hearts,
Cloaked in a smile,
In a sway of hips,
A Fancy car,
A flash of bling,
Too much make-up.

How many have you killed today?
In hit and runs
Ritual murders
Or dreams torched
Never to rise?

To what do you owe your allure?
This timeless appeal
That endlessly
Draws, the unsuspecting
The eager
The naïve
The hopeful?

Like moths to a blazing bulb,
Like flies to a fly-trap,
Like fish to glittering bait,
They troop to you.

And still you embrace them,
Empty their pockets of money,
Snuff out the lights in their eyes,
Drain their zeal and zest
Leaving zombie like corpses behind.

Still, they come….

I would fling aside your smelly arms
And seek fresh fragrant scents
Across the river
In Obudu
Or Abeokuta.

Still, I remain
Wrapped in your arms
Cursing your stench
Stuck underneath your folds
Filled but unsatisfied
I remain .